

The surprising reasons animals play dead - Tierney Thys

Imagine you're being attacked by a ferocious predator.


With no chance of escape, you do what any courageous, self-respecting possum would do: curl into an immobile state called catatonia, stick out your tongue, drool, and ooze some foul-smelling liquid from your anal glands.

毫无脱逃的机会,你做了任何一只勇敢、有自尊的负鼠都会做的事 :把自己卷成一团僵硬不动,称作紧张症的状态,吐出舌头、无法控制地流口水、并从肛门腺排出恶臭的液体。

Disgusted, your assailant loosens its grip, decides you're not the dinner it was looking for, and departs.


After 10 minutes, you resurrect and merrily saunter on.

10 分钟过后,你原地复活并兴高采烈地继续游荡

From lemurs to lizards, ants to amphibians, sharks to chickens, hundreds of animals "play dead" as a survival tactic.


Nicknamed "playing possum" after its star performer, feigning death is also called thanatosis.


That's from Thanatos, the ancient Greek deity of death.

这个字源于 Thanatos,古代希腊神祉中的死亡之神

But most scientists call it tonic immobility, or TI.

但大部分的科学家称它为紧张性麻痹,或是缩写为 TI

How and why TI occurs depends on the species and situation.

TI 发生的状态和原因取决于物种和当时的状况

Spewing stench and adopting odd postures are common and often play important roles.


Other animals sacrifice their neighbors: quail chicks that freeze while their kin run amok have a better chance of survival when pursued by a cat.

其他物种则把他们的邻居当作牺牲品 在同类四处窜逃时静止不动的鹌鹑幼雏,在被猫追捕的状况下生存率较高。

Speaking of cats, feline mothers can pinch the napes of their kittens' necks and induce another kind of immobility called clipnosis.

说到猫,身为母亲的猫科动物会叼住幼崽的后颈上方,借以制造称作 clipnosis 的另一种型态的静止不动

This keeps their kittens quiet and easy to transport.


Most of the physiological mechanisms underlying these theatrics originate in the parasympathetic nervous system, better known for controlling cycle of resting and digesting.


In possums, the parasympathetic nervous system causes their heart rates to drop by nearly half, respiration by a third, and body temperatures by more than half a degree Celsius for up to an hour.

对负鼠来说,副交感神经系统使他们的心跳率下降将近一半、呼吸量减少三分之一、身温降低超过 0.5 度长达一个小时

The neurotransmitter dopamine also plays a part.


Flour beetles with low dopamine levels play dead more frequently than those with high levels,


But maintaining a death ruse isn't easy.


The performers are constantly gauging their surroundings for cues on when it's safe to rise.


Chickens, for instance, can sense when a predator's eyes are upon them.


Researchers know this because when they used a stuffed hawk in an experiment, their chicken subjects came out of their catatonia quicker when the hawk's eyes were averted.



Other animals use TI for purposes other than defense.

其他动物实行 TI 是为了防御以外的目的

When the sleeper cichlid feels peckish, it sinks to the lake floor and lies motionless, its splotchy coloration making it seem like a rotting carcass.


If a small scavenger investigates, this undead trickster strikes.


Some animals even feign death as a sexual ploy.


Male nursery spiders offer gifts of silk-wrapped insects in hopes of wooing females.


But those females are known to eat love-seeking males.


By playing dead while the female eagerly devours her snack, these males can cautiously revive and improve their chances of successfully mating.


So TI can work to an animal's advantage, unless someone else knows its secret.

因此 TI 对动物而言可说是一种优势,除非有人知道这个秘密

California orcas can flip over young great white sharks, inducing TI for so long the immobilized sharks, who must move to respire, essentially suffocate.

加州逆戟鲸会掀翻年轻的大白鲨,让因 TI 而长时间静止不动的鲨鱼,必须呼吸,基本上窒息而死.

Humans can also flip sharks into TI.

人类也可以让鲨鱼进入 TI 状态

By stroking a shark's electrically-sensitive snout and gently turning it over, researchers can induce TI that lasts up to 15 minutes.

透过电击鲨鱼对电敏感的口鼻部,并温柔地将鲨鱼翻身,研究人员可以造成最高持续 15 分钟的 TI 状态.

That’s enough time to insert tags, remove hooks, and even perform surgeries.


There are risks however: TI can hamper respiration and induce hyperglycemia, a sign of stress.

然而这之中仍存有风险 :TI 会妨碍呼吸并诱发高血糖,压力的一种征兆

So this technique should only be used when necessary.


Humans can also experience TI when they freeze with fear during violent assaults.

人类在因暴力的攻击而害怕到无法动弹时也可能经历 TI

Recognizing this ancient, involuntary form of self-defense has significant implications when trying to understand why some victims don't flee or fight in the face of danger.


So, studying TI in non-human animals not only helps us better understand some odd behaviors, it can also help us better understand our own, sometimes counterintuitive, responses to violence.

所以,在人类以外的动物身上研究 TI不只协助我们更了解某些怪异的行为,也能协助我们更了解我们自己,有时会违反直觉对暴力做出反应.



