

What is GWT and why use it?

GWT is an open-source Java development framework used for building and optimizing complex JavaScript front-end applications. It provides a powerful set of tools and libraries, allowing developers to write code in Java language which gets transformed to high-performance JavaScript code to be run in browsers. GWT simplifies the development process of web applications and provides a seamless, cross-browser compatible experience for the end-user.

Using GWT, developers can create single-page applications or SPA, which are modern web applications that don't require a page reload after each user action. The resulting application is highly responsive, fast and provides a feature-rich interface for users.

Web development

How to use HTML h1 tag in GWT?

To use an HTML h1 tag in a GWT application, follow the steps outlined below:

Create an HTML file

The first step towards using h1 tag is to create an HTML file that will serve as a layout template for the GWT application. You can use HTML tags to define the structure and content of your page and add an h1 tag to represent the page heading.

Create a GWT project

Next, use GWT command-line tooling to create a new GWT project. Open a command-line terminal and navigate to the project directory where you want to create the project. Run the following command to initialize a new GWT project:

mvn archetype:generate DarchetypeGroupId=com.google.gwt \
DarchetypeArtifactId=gwtproject \
DarchetypeVersion=2.8.0 \
DgroupId=com.example \
DartifactId=myproject \

This will create a new GWT project named "myproject" that contains some default files and directory structure.

Edit GWT module

Go into the newly created project directory and edit the "src/main/java/com/example/myproject/MyProject.gwt.xml" file. This is the GWT project configuration file that defines the application's module and resources. In this file, you can specify the HTML file to use and other relevant settings.

Add HTML file

In the "MyProject.gwt.xml" file, find the <inherits name='com.google.gwt.user.User'/> element and add a <module> element within it as shown below:

<inherits name='com.google.gwt.user.User'/><module renameto='myproject'>    <!Your module configuration goes here ></module>

Next, add an <html> element within the <module> element, and put the content of your HTML file within it.

<module renameto='myproject'>    <!Your module configuration goes here >    <html>        <head>            <!Your head content goes here >        </head>        <body>            <!Your body content goes here >        </body>    </html></module>

Add h1 tag

Add an h1 tag within the <body> element and set the appropriate text content.

<body>    <h1>Welcome to My Project!</h1>    <!Your other body content goes here ></body>

Compile and deploy the application

Once done with modifying the GWT project, use Maven to compile and deploy the application. In a command line terminal, navigate to the project directory and run the following command:

mvn clean install P devmode

This will compile your application and start a local development server so you can view and test it in a browser. Open the corresponding URL in your browser (usually http://localhost:8888/myproject.html) and you should be able to see the content of your h1 tag displayed on the page.


GWT is a powerful Java-based framework that makes developing web applications easier. By following the above steps, you can start using HTML h1 tags in your GWT application to define the page heading. However, this is just a simple example, and there is much more you can do with GWT to customize and extend your application to meet your specific needs.

What other HTML elements have you used in your GWT applications? Share your experience in the comments below. And don't forget to like, follow, and share this article. Thank you for reading!



