「Python操作MySQL数据库依赖包:简易制作教程」 「如何制作Python操作MySQL数据库的依赖包?详细步骤教程」



Python MySQL


pymysql是一个纯Python实现的MySQL客户端库,它是由Python开发者创建并维护的。pymysql支持Python 2.7和3.4+版本,并且支持所有MySQL 5.6+版本的功能。


pip install pymysql


import pymysql创建连接conn = pymysql.connect(host='localhost', user='root', password='password', db='dbname')创建游标cursor = conn.cursor()执行SQL语句sql = "SELECT * FROM tablename"cursor.execute(sql)获取查询结果results = cursor.fetchall()for row in results:    print(row)关闭游标和连接cursor.close()conn.close()


mysqlconnectorpython是MySQL官方提供的Python驱动,它支持Python 2.7, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6和3.7版本,并且支持所有MySQL 5.0+版本的功能。


pip install mysqlconnectorpython


import mysql.connector创建连接conn = mysql.connector.connect(user='root', password='password', host='localhost', database='dbname')创建游标cursor = conn.cursor()执行SQL语句sql = "SELECT * FROM tablename"cursor.execute(sql)获取查询结果results = cursor.fetchall()for row in results:    print(row)关闭游标和连接cursor.close()conn.close()




from setuptools import setup, find_packagessetup(name='yourpackagename',      version='0.1',      packages=find_packages(),      install_requires=[]), # add your package's dependencies here, e.g.: [], ['numpy'], ['pandas>=0.15']],这里暂时为空,因为我们没有其他依赖包。


python setup.py build_ext inplace


twine upload dist/* u yourusername p yourpassword r pypi # replace yourusername and yourpassword with your PyPI account's username and password, replace pypi with the Python package index you want to upload to, e.g., pypi or testpypi. If you don't have a PyPI account, you can create one at https://pypi.org/account/register/. The r option is optional and specifies the Python package index you want to upload to. If you don't specify it, twine will use the default Python package index (https://pypi.org/). The u option is optional and specifies your PyPI account's username. If you don't specify it, twine will use the current user's credentials for authentication. The p option is optional and specifies your PyPI account's password. If you don't specify it, twine will prompt you for your PyPI account's password when it needs it. The asterisk (*) is a wildcard that matches all files in the current directory that end with the extension specified by the t option (in this case, all files that end with the extension ".tar.gz"). The t option is optional and specifies the file extension of the files you want to upload. If you don't specify it, twine will use the default file extension (in this case, ".tar.gz"). The verbose option is optional and makes twine display more information about what it's doing during the upload process. If you don't specify it, twine will display only error messages and warnings. The noninteractive option is optional and makes twine not ask any interactive questions during the upload process (e.g., whether to overwrite an existing package). If you don't specify it, twine will ask you these questions if necessary (e.g., if you try to upload a package with the same name as an existing package). The repositoryurl option is optional and specifies the URL of the Python package index where you want to upload your package (e.g., https://pypi.org/ or https://testpypi.org/). If you don't specify it, twine will use the default Python package index (https://pypi.org/). The configfile option is optional and specifies the path of a configuration file that contains additional options for twine (e.g., options for authentication). If you don't specify it, twine will use the default configuration file (~/.pypirc). The skipexisting option is optional and makes twine not upload a package if it already exists on the Python package index (e.g., if you try to upload a package with the same name as an existing package). If you don't specify it, twine will upload a package even if it already exists on the Python package index (unless you also specify the noninteractive option). The nocheckhostname option is optional and makes twine not check the validity of the server's certificate when connecting to the Python package index (e.g., when using HTTPS). If you don't specify it, twine will check the validity of the server's certificate when connecting to the Python package index (unless you also specify the trustedhost option). The trustedhost option is optional and specifies a commaseparated list of trusted hosts for which twine should not check the validity of their server's certificate when connecting to them (e.g., https://pypi.org/ or https://testpypi




