


1. next year 明年

2. next week 下一周

3. plan to do sth 打算/准备做某事

4. Want to do sth 想做某事

5. have a birthday party 开个生日聚会

6. work alone 独立工作/练习

7. be born 出生

8. a model plane 一个飞机模型

9. guess again 再猜一下

10. It's round. 它是圆的

11. black and white 黑白相间

12. have a look 看一看

13. I'm afraid... 恐怕...

14. look like 看起来像

15. Just now 刚才

16. how wide 多宽

17. how long 多长

18. how often 多久一次(表频率)

19. how soon 多久,多块

20. how far “多远”,问距离

21. use...for... 用...做...

22. use it for writing 用它来写字

23. What do we use it for? 我们用它做什么呢?

24. must be 一定是

25. would like to do sth = want to do sth 想要做某事

26. cook a special dinner 做一顿特别的晚餐

27. some candles 一些蜡烛

28. want to celebrate the birthday at home 想在家庆祝生日

29. buy some candles for her mother 给她妈妈买些蜡烛

30. buy sb sth =buy sth for sb 为某人买某物

31. cook a big dinner 做一顿大餐

32. make a cake 做一个蛋糕


1.--Were you born in Hebei? --Yes, I was./ No, I wasn’t.

2.--When was your daughter born? --She was born on October 22nd, 1996.

3.--When is your birthday? --May 13th.

4.--What's the shape of your present? --你礼物的形状是什么?

--It’s a circle./ rectangle / triangle/square. 你计划怎样庆祝?

5.--What’s it like ? 它什么样子? --It’s like a star.它像一个星星。

6.-How long/wide is it? 它多长/宽?

7.--What do we use it for? 我们用它做什么?

--We use it to study English.我们用它学习英语。

8.What's your favorite present? 你最喜爱的礼物是什么?

9.How do you plan to celebrate it? --它是圆形/长方形/三角形/正方形。

10.--Would you like to come? 你愿意来吗? --I'd love to.我很愿意。

11. What day is it today? 今天是星期几?

12.What's the date today? 今天是几号?



1. be动词的一般过去时,表示过去存在的状态。 My brother was at school yesterday.

2. be动词的过去式为was/were 其否定式为was not/wasn’t和were not/weren’t.

3. 一般疑问句以及简略回答:

—Were you born in July,1999? —Yes, I was./No,I wasn’t.



