移民 百度关键词(上海移民暴增原因)


汪书丞 李想:“后疫情”时代特鲁多政府的移民政策:内涵与趋向

来源: 《区域与全球发展》2021年第1期

摘要: 当前,国际反移民思潮和民粹主义在西方国家蔓延。特鲁多政府上台后,加拿大的移民政策处于新保守主义和新自由主义之间,在施行包容性移民政策的实践历程中,特鲁多政府对移民进行了更加严格的筛选,以确保移民通过合法的方式入境加拿大。从移民政策的内涵上看,特鲁多政府取消保守党执政期间的“安全国家”政策,增强对边境的管控力度,以及增加移民试点,从而促进加拿大经济社会的稳定,推动移民的地区均衡发展。在全球层面,特鲁多政府推出全球签证计划,积极参与国际移民事务,试图构建新全球移民治理体系。目前,加拿大新冠肺炎疫情形势不容乐观,特鲁多政府的移民政策受到保守党质疑,未来特鲁多政府的移民政策是否奏效将取决于加拿大经济能否健康持续发展。

关键词: 加拿大;移民政策;新冠肺炎疫情;多元文化主义

Trudeau Government's Immigration Policy Under the Pandemic World: Connotation and Trend

Abstract : Currently, the idea of global anti-immigration and populism are clustering in Western states. After Trudeau Administration begins governing the Canada. Canadian’s immigration policy stands between Neoconservatism and neoliberalism. In the process of implementing an inclusive immigration policy, Trudeau selects immigrants strictly to ensure each candidate entered into Canada legally. From the perspective of the connotation of immigration policy, Trudeau government cancels the Safe Country Policy which is enacted by the Conservative Party,strengthened border control and increases immigration pilot projects to promote Canada’s economical and social stability and balancing the development of different regions. On a global perspective, to construct a new global immigration system, Trudeau enacts the global Visa plan, and actively participates in global affairs. Currently, the situation of COVID-19 in Canada is not optimistic. Trudeau government's immigration policy is provoked by the Conservative Party. The immigration policy’s effectiveness depends on whether the Canadian economy can develop healthily and continuously.

Key Words : Canada; Immigration Policy; COVID-19; Multiculturalism

Introduction of Authors: Wang Shucheng, Editor of Social Sciences in China Press (SSCP); Li Xiang, Editor of Social Sciences in China Press (SSCP)






